Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Freelancing Solutions-SEO GUIDE-Access the only SEO Book to get you ranked on Google First Page our SEO Strategy Guide

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Working on freelance writing jobs

Working on freelance Writing Jobs From the beginning to being a successful freelance writer learn how to successfully work on freelance writing jobs

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Freelancing Solutions Freelancing Portfolio

our website development portfolio-WordPress Development Portfolio-Software Development Portfolio-SEO Portfolio-Articles Portfolio and Landing Page Portfolio.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

New and Updated-Freelancing Jobs Portal

Freelancing Solutions Freelance Jobs Portal has been upgraded.

We would like to inform all our freelancers that our main freelancing jobs portal website has been upgraded to include extra functionality and easy access to main sections of the website.
We hope the recent update on our website enables our freelancers to quickly find what they are looking for and enables them to post freelance jobs to other freelancers on the website.

Freelancing Membership is still free.

Even though we have upgraded our freelancing jobs portal website freelancing membership is still free and you can still become a freelancer without having to worry about where you are going to get membership fees.

Freelancing Jobs Submission is still free.

Freelancers and employers can still post freelance jobs to our freelancers free of charge and only have to pay the freelancer who accepted their freelance jobs, it is still the responsibility of the freelancer and the employer to insure that payment is received and also to arrange payment methods unless of course you are working as a premium freelancer where your freelancing portfolio website include payment methods for employers to be able to send you payments.
Note that for submitting freelance jobs freelancing solutions will never ask you to pay any fees.

Bidding on freelance jobs is also free.

On top of allowing freelancers and employers to submit freelance jobs for free to other freelancers willing to work on their freelance jobs we also allow freelancers to place bids on any freelance job on our system absolutely free of charge.
This allows us to make sure that our freelancers can continue to work on freelance jobs and only have to concentrate on offering the best service possible to their employers or fellow freelancers without having to worry about any payments which might tempt them to submit inferior work while trying to secure funds for their freelancing memberships.
If you would like to become a freelancer today please subscribe it is free.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

How to find freelancing jobs

if you are wondering how to start working on freelancing jobs with freelancing solutions and benefit from our free memberships and also our premium plan to get more quality freelancing jobs then visit our website for more information.

Freelancing Solutions Freelancing Jobs Blog

Freelancing Solutions Blog[/caption] Freelancing Solutions Freelancing Jobs Blog Freelancing Solutions official blog on: freelance jobs or freelancing jobs Freelance Writing Jobs SEO Freelance...

Welcome to Freelancing Solutions Start working on freelance jobs

Freelancing Solutions Freelance Jobs. Start working as a freelancer today or hire our freelancers absolutely free of charge. The only thing you need to do is to subscribe to start working. Anyone can work in freelancing solutions as an employer or a...

Monday, 9 June 2014

How to work as an Affiliate marketing Agent?

Working with freelancing solutions as an affiliate marketing agent is so easy that I am tempted to say that if you subscribe and hire freelancers to promote your website for you and then simply forget about everything and just check your account after say thirty days then you would be happily going to the bank and withdrawing your commissions, that is exactly how easy it is. It is so easy you can make money without having to do anything.
Subscribing as an affiliate of freelancing solutions is definitely an easy task just click the heading above, but just to explain.
The only requirement we need from our affiliate marketing agents is that they get access to an affiliate marketing website which we have developed ourselves but hosted in a domain name of their choice, this would give them access to a very decent way of promoting our services, products, freelancers, and partner services and products.
This creates a very good source of income for our affiliate marketing agents.

Responsibilities of our affiliate marketing agents.

Our affiliates are only responsible with maintaining their affiliate marketing websites which is the easiest thing any affiliate can do, basically the process involves checking your website in order to make sure that everything is in order and still works and also making decisions as to which service to promote or not to promote in order to maximise your potential of generating an income.
In order to promote the services and products you have selected as an affiliate you can make use of numerous methods which we allow our affiliates to make use of.

Create your own articles and post them in forums, blogs, friend’s websites, and also guest blogging.

This method allows our affiliate’s to promote the services of their choice in an easier and direct manner, as the only thing they have to do is to create articles that explains the service in such a way that creates a need for such a service from their readers and post the articles with a link back to their affiliate marketing website to a page which acts as a landing page for such a service.
This would mean that everyone that gets to read such an article can be a potential customer for such a service, and also a potential income source for our affiliate.

Create your own articles in order to promote your website through SEO.

and thereby increasing the number of visitors that can find you through Search engine’s and with that your chances of getting a referral from your visitors, this method can further be improved by creating landing pages for each service you are promoting and then also improve the likelihood that such pages are found through search engines by searching for related terms.
Make use of freelancers to further improve your site’s visibility through Search Engines on terms related to the services you are promoting.

This allows you to make use of the money you are making as an affiliate marketing agent to hire freelancers to further improve your website’s visibility through SEO.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Freelancing Websites

Freelancing Solutions

Staying true to one of our missions allowing us to share information on any scale in our struggle to inform the community about freelancing opportunities that continues to open up from all over the world we are now reintroducing one of our older websites in freelancing solutions. Most of our loyal followers are rather aware of this website, although we shut it down previously due to some technical problems with our ratings in Google we are now reintroducing the whole website and in line with our current overhaul of our services and products the websites features some of our latest services, at the time of publishing.
For those of you who are not aware of this website I would suggest that you try and open it and see what it contains as it has some of the most useful information in freelancing especially in connection with freelancing solutions. We are hundred percent sure that whoever visit this website now he/she would not only be informed about freelancing but also be aware of some of the current position of freelancing solution concerning freelance jobs and where you could find work.

Becoming a Freelancer

In addition to this website our main freelancing solutions website is now open for freelance registrations and I suggest that you go there now that registrations are still free. To register click on the heading above. We accept two kinds of freelancers only, that is premium freelancers and also free membership freelancers.
Premium freelancers get more chances of getting a freelance job as they are also included as part of our other businesses and they get to assist our Affiliate marketing Agents with website development.
To work with freelancing solutions you got to be dedicated and willing to work with us so if you are that type of a person join us today, while its still free. 

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Freelancing Solutions Affiliate Marketing Program

Freelancing Solutions Affiliate Marketing Program.

Once in a while something of great value comes along and we all have to stand up and take notice. Yes I am referring to freelancing solutions affiliate marketing program it is that thing that comes once in a decade that is of such great value that we all have to take notice.
The best thing about freelancing solutions affiliate marketing program is that is created with safe guards against failure that is it is very hard to fail when you are a member of freelancing solutions affiliate marketing program, there are structures that not only safe guard against failure but they force you to be a success, so if you join our program with the right attitude then chances are your success will be phenomenal.
Certain affiliate marketing programs concentrate on making sales without much thought about the websites that generates those sales, well we are different in that we not only give you a website to run your marketing campaign on we teach you how to do it successfully and also give you access to skilled freelancers that will help you do this effectively and the only thing you will have to concentrate on is to monitor your website’s progress and get to decide its future direction.
When a person becomes a member of our affiliate marketing program we allow such a person access to their own website where they can promote our services and products in addition to whatever they deem fit to be promoted in their own website for as long as it conforms to our terms and conditions, you must however note that those terms and conditions are there to insure against your failure and make sure that you succeed so in order for us to do this we insure that you do not make mistakes.

What does one need to participate?

Practically in order for you to participate in our program the only thing you have to do right now would be to register as a member of our affiliate marketing program, then after you do this you will get access to your own website where you can write promotional materials much like this one selling our services and products together with your services and products if you have any, but there’s no problem if you do not have any service or product to sell (NOTE, freelancers can sell their services and products together with our services and products in their affiliate website).

Support services for affiliate marketing agents?

Affiliate marketing agents can get support services from our freelancers who will always be ready to offer them anything from:

·         Website Development

·         Landing Page Development

·         Article Writing

·         Search Engine Optimization

The services mentioned above will insure that you are able to succeed in properly promoting our services and products in your own website and also increase your income as time goes on.
Can Freelancers participate in our Affiliate Marketing Program?
YES, every freelancer who is registered as a premium freelancer in our website can participate without any problem at all the only thing they would have to do is to register as an Affiliate Marketing Agent also and this will allow them to fully participate in our program without any problems.
Freelancers also have an added benefit of being able to successfully implement some of the strategies needed to succeed in our program so if you were a freelancer this would be a very nice opportunity of earning extra income.

Can Affiliate Marketing Agents also become freelancers?

Yes, the only thing they need to do is register as a freelancer and start working also, you must just understand that the only requirement needed to become a successful freelancer is the ability to offer to others the services they need and nothing more, We are not looking for your qualifications or degrees of any sort we are just looking for skilled people to work as freelancers that’s all.

If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate Marketing Agent Register here.

If you also want to become a freelancer then get your registration form here.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Freelancing Solutions

Freelancing Solutions

Creating Solutions for freelancers is our mission, we are always striving to make sure that freelancers get the solutions that will always work for them, which is why recently we took it upon ourselves to create our own freelancing and SEO Solutions website, that is suited to those who needs to start working as freelancers as soon as possible.

The one most important service that we provide in our freelancing website is solutions created to make sure that freelancers finally have a place where they get something for their hardwork. Most freelancing website today do not allow freelancers to become a part of the overall experience that they get from their website, and we set out to change this by introduction our.

Freelancing Solutions Developers

This service is meant to allow freelancers our own freelancers to take part in the development of our freelancing solutions website in such a way that they end up designing the very solutions that they will end up using in their day to day operations. This allows freelancing professional to have a sense of ownership that is not provided anywhere else.

There are various Freelancing Solutions that we have developed specifically to ease the difficulties faced by freelancers and freelance employers alike, and we always make sure that freelancers themselves are always a part of the implementation and the design process of those solutions.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Finally Freelancing Solutions Moved to http://www.freelancing-solutions.freelancing-seo.com

Freelancing Solutions Moved Permanently

We have finally gotten around to moving our website to our new home, this is inline with us developing a new Freelancing Website for Search Engine Optimization Experts and Article writers on the same domain : http:/www.freelancing-seo.com However the old Freelancing Solutions website is now at http://www.freelancing-solutions.freelancing-seo.com so make sure that you access your old website in this new domain name. the old domain still works but the new one will mean that our services are much more secured than before.

Sunday, 20 April 2014



Freelancing Solutions is about providing solutions to freelancers, and also making sure that any website owner, our freelancers and anyone else are profiting from our useful SEO Strategy which will get your website listed in google first page in one month time, and you can implement the strategy yourself.

Freelance Jobs

Freelance Jobs are available for you to take and we also welcome those who are looking forward to getting the services of freelancers from all over the world. you will find that our services are easily accessible to anyone and you will be able to make money as a freelancer in no time at all, as we also have freelance articles that are there for the sole purpose of giving you information which will allow you to start working and making money as a freelancer as soon as possible.

Freelance Articles

There are various articles here that are related to freelancing and freelancing services, most useful to those who are starting out and still finidng their ways as freelancers. so if you want to learn more about being a freelancer please make use of the services in this website as its absolutely free for you to do so.

SEO Guide

As a freelancer you will find that you need to know as much as possible about SEO and SEO Strategy, which is why we have included within this website an SEO Guide geared towards making your life easier, as the guide will enable you to get your website within google first  page in a month time for your keyword.

Freelancers need a freelance portfolio website which will enable them to showcase their skills to their customers and thereby enabling them to make more money as freelancers.

Author: Justice NDOU

Freelance Articles

Freelance Articles

When you are a freelancer especially when you are starting out, you need as much information as possible about your career, and i created this section in my website strictly for those who are willing to learn a little bit about how they can improve their tactics as a freelancer. freelance articles covers topics from being a freelancer, creating freelance profiles and freelance portfolios, SEO Strategy for your freelance portfolios and for your customers if you are a website developer.

This is the most in depth freelancing article database that i am presently aware, and i created it out of research and experience, and wish to share this information with my customers as well as other freelancers from all over the world who are willing to make their career a success in this most challenging profession in the present century.

So if you are interested in learning what other freelancers are doing today, then you are welcome.

Author: Justice NDOU

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Freelancing Starting Out

Freelancing Starting Out

When starting to freelance you might want to consider a few things before you actually do something about it, like quitting your job. the reason behind this is that freelancing is not a get rich quick scheme, and if you do not have it in you to run a business, and self discipline is not one of your strong points, then it would be better for you in the long run if you actually stick with your day job, why because it would be extremely unlikely that you would succeed as a freelancer.

How do you know whether you can be a freelancer.

a freelancer is one person that has self discipline and need not be told what to do when they get to work, another strong point of a freelancer is self discipline and Strategical thinking, decision making, and an ability to work under pressure. if you are not the person i am describing above then you are not a freelancer and you can probably do better in a day job.

The need to always do better and more is one tendency that all successfull freelancers seem to have in common, so this probably is one thing that makes all freelancers successful in their endeavours.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Freelancing Present Condition


Anyone who has been using the internet one way or another for the past 24 months knows about freelancing, and this is because this is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today, freelancing online, allows anyone who is skilled in anything to join online freelancing communities where they can start bidding for freelancing jobs from companies all over the world. 

The companies that are interested in hiring freelancers for their projects do so online and wait for experienced freelancers to offer them a bid on their freelancing job. This allows a situation where even if the freelance employer does not know the normal price for a certain kind of freelance job it does not matter because then the bidding freelancers will bid towards this normal price in an attempt to out bid each other, so employers are forever safe in this environment.

Freelancing is changing the world we live in for the better, Online freelancing is creating a chance for companies and also for individuals to once more use the internet for something that is highly beneficial not only to them but also to their families.

Working as a freelancer today has also been made easier by the availability of freelancing websites from all over the world with tens of thousands of freelance jobs available everyday for freelancers to work on everyday.

Author: Justice NDOU

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Rules of Freelancing

The Rules of Freelancing

When i first started out as a freelancer i knew absolutely nothing the only thing i had was the passion to do something i enjoy with my life. I finally figured that as long as there are things in this world that i do love. i should make my living doing exactly that. Then i started freelancing as a:

Freelancing Portfolio

  1. Website Developer

  2. SEO Specialist

  3. Landing Page Developer

  4. Article Writing

  5. Wordpress Website Development

At the time that i started i wished i knew what to do and what not to do, but i didn't and that got me in a lot of difficulties and i spent more than six month without making a single cent from freelancing, this was difficult but i kept on learning and i finally figure out what one needs to do in order to become a good freelancer.

  1. The first rule of freelancing

    Make sure you have a portfolio ready before you start

    What i mean is bassically that if you are a freelance article writer you better have a collection of Articles you have written ready for your portfolio, without this you will either get a crappy deal or no writing deal at all.
  2. The Second Rule of Freelancing

    Setup your communication Gear Properly

    Makesure that your communication Gear is readily available and functioning properly, this includes good Head phones with a responsive mouth piece, Skype, Google Hangouts, and TeamViewer. This softwares will help you setup a proper Communication Station so you can communicate with your clients properly. It is hard to loose a client because you are not setup properly for to your clients satisfaction.
  3. The Third Rule of Freelancing

    Setup Profiles on all the Major Social Networking Websites

    If you need access to clients then you better setup your Social Networking Profiles Properly to reflect the image you need your clients to have of you, in this way when they find you in this social networking sites they know who you are, what you do, and what you can do. this way you will be able to promote yourself much more easily.

Check this space for more Rules of Freelancing.
Author: Justice NDOU

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Freelancing for money


Freelancing for Money

When you need to make money as a freelancer either working full time or part time. the rules are the same you only need to brand yourself and market yourself in such a way that you will always have a freelancing job available for you at any time.

Making sure that you are at a position described above is the difficult part sometimes it can take as much as six months to a year to be in a position where you start getting steady freelancing jobs in a way that you will keep on making steady profit from your operations.

How to Brand yourself as a freelancer

When you are branding yourself the procedure is the same as creating and marketing any other brand, consistency and value added services must be on top of the list when deciding brand features for a freelancer, you need to make sure that you are known for all the two things mentioned above otherwise you will never be in a position where you make enough profit from your operations to support yourself.
Remember when you are working as a freelance professional it is you they buy not the service, so you need to be presentable to your customers.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Freelance Writers


Freelance Writers

Freelance Writing today is even in more demand as there’s growing demand on SEO Articles for website Online Content Marketing Campaigns being run by companies as part of an overall Online Marketing Strategy. So for this very high demand of articles in different subjects webmasters and online Marketing Experts are turning to Freelance Writers for extra articles every day.

The benefits of Freelance Writing.

Freelance writers only responsibility is to write articles on the subject of their choice, in other words freelancers often specialize in a certain topic as you find that he/she might be more knowledgeable in a certain topic and feels that the time they spent doing research for an article is lessened by the fact they already know a lot about the subject.

Available Opportunities for freelance writers.

Freelance writers today have no shortage for places to get freelance writing projects. From freelancer.com and many more freelancing websites, the only thing you need to get writing projects is a portfolio of your own work as a writer preferably on blog or your own freelance portfolio website. This will help you secure more freelance writing projects as you can refer any prospective employer to your work online.

Another Good idea is to have a Blog where you set it up in a way that Search Engines are not allowed to crawl and then you put up all your articles in the blog on different pages organized by subjects that you write in.

The Author is Justice Ndou

Friday, 28 March 2014


One of the most talked about subjects in the internet today is freelance and everything to do with freelancing, and the reason is easy to see, it is because a lot of people are now using the internet for freelance work of all types.
So to freelance on the internet is a very normal thing to do and this situation was normally not like this. The purpose of this article is to investigate the reasons why freelancing has become so popular.

How online Freelancing Started.

Well one is tempted to say naturally and I wouldn't be wrong to say this, and the reason is this. The world economic situation today is structured in such a way that a lot of people suffered being laid off by companies they have been working for decades, and this are no longer the unskilled that are being laid off it is Skilled people.
They suddenly find themselves without jobs in the middle of the street, and the only thing natural thing they could do was to start looking for a job, and this process today meant that they have to do this online.
And this meant that the Dot Com companies became aware of the large number of people suddenly looking for jobs on the internet, which meant they had to respond in a way that will satisfy this individual’s hence freelancing websites.
So basically this means online freelancing arises out of a need, and the need came about because of our world economic situation that allows a company that employ tens of thousands of people to suddenly finding itself in competition with a company that only employs ten permanent staff members, well as they say, when you are pushed into a corner you usually push back , well that’s how companies behave also, they will lay their own staff off in response to a tight situation brought about by competition in a business environment.

Companies Support Freelance Professionals

This will mean that companies nowadays in a race to save thousands of Dollars in employee salaries will only use contract staff and freelancers to do their jobs. This saves companies a lot of money in many ways that I am not going to explain here. Then we end up in a situation where companies themselves benefit a lot when they use freelancers than if they use permanent staff members for their daily projects. This is why online freelance professionals will always have a freelance job every day.
The author of this article is Justice Ndou
Freelance and stay on top.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014



Freelancing is a way of working where a person is not bound by contracts that only allows one to work for one company, Freelancers can work for anyone else they please, they are only bound by contracts for the duration of the freelance job that they are working on at the time.


Freelancing Contracts

Freelancing contracts all have one thing in common they all do not bind the freelancer in such a way that he ends up working for one company alone.
A freelancer can work for more than one company at the same time as long as he can be able to handle the work requested by him in such a contract.Freelancers often work for the same company for an extended time period and it really helps to build a good working relationship and they can win more contracts this way as they will often get a good review of the work done for their client when this is the case.
Some freelancing Contracts requires that one signs a non disclosure agreement which basically means that the freelancer cannot disclose the details of the freelance job to anyone and not even refer to the details of such a project to anyone else.
It is often to the benefit of the employer that a Non-Disclosure agreement be signed if the details of the freelance job are in such a way that if they end up in the competitors hands they can hurt the company financilly, or even sometimes the contents of the freelance job might not be ethical in which ever case if you sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement then there's nothing you can disclose of such a freelance job without breaking the law, and sometimes such information cannot even be accepted in the court of Law.

Freelancing Contracts are very improtant and us such we must make sure that the right contract is presented and signed by both parties before commencement of the work requested.

This article is authored by : Justice Ndou the Freelancer

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Freelance Jobs


This Blog is dedicated ot all freelance professional all over the world who struggles everyday to make the world a better place.


Everyone must know the role that freelance professionals all over the world play to boost economies of almost each and every country in the world. As of today freelancers can offer their services to anyone who can pay for those services, and they also make thier services accessible as it is always cheaper to make use of their services than to go the traditional way.

Freelancing Jobs

Freelancing jobs are also available at large for serious freelancers in the following fields:
  • Freelance Article Writers

    Article Writers freelance jobs are available in almost all freelancing websites in the internet today, and the reason for this is that articles are in very high demand first for SEO Strategy that are being used by SEO Professionals allowing them to optimize websites for specific keywords, and also Research Articles for Academics and Marketing professionals who needs to conduct research for a specific company. Writing Articles as a freelancer is a very lucrative career and serious freelancers must consider this as one of their skill set.
  • Freelance Website Developers

    Freelance Website Development jobs are all over the freelancing websites today largely because of the ease or suitability of this kind of freelance job to be provided over the internet. and sometimes i even think it is because most of the individuals who end up considering a career as a freelance professional got this skill set in their arsenal which is what attracted them into freelancing over the internet first.
  • Freelance Landing Page developers

    Freelance landing page development jobs are available mainly to those who are also doing Online Marketing for specific companies or individuals, this is one of the skill set every freelance professional got to master as sometimes in order for you to secure a project you got to understand how this specific freelance project entails.
  • Freelance SEO Specialist

    Most of the time in order for you to accept most freelance jobs mentioned above and make a success of them you need master this skill, you need to understand what SEO is and how best to utilize for a specific benefit. The best you could do for yourself is the ability to work with HTML us you will need this skill to optmize documents for the best possible outcome, and also the ability to write articles here is a must as most of the times you will be required to write your own freelance articles.
So if you are able to do the freelance jobs listed above then you are mst likely to succeed in the world of Online Freelance professionals of today. This article is authored by: Justice Ndou

Friday, 14 March 2014



Well if you have some skills that you can offer other probably the same skills that you got employed for when you where working or if you are still working, Then Freelance and Use those skills to earn some money.

Hire Me A Freelance career is not as easy as some people make it out to be but once you get the hang of it then you can start earning money from your freelance skills.
A Freelance career can be very interesting if one is offering services for which there are already freelance employers out there who are willing to hire freelancers for them. Because without Freelance Projects a freelancer is then not really a freelance professional for you cannot work you are just as good as someone who is fired from their job.

Freelance Jobs

Securing Freelance Jobs is a serious matter you have to build relationships and be able to offer something in return to others absolutely free just to gain their trust.
Being a person who understands other cultures and an above average general knowledge of how things work can help you get along well with others, Freelance Employers need to give freelance jobs to those candidates that can do the job.

Freelance Portfolio

Creating and maintaining a freelance portfolio helps a lot when the time to negotiate for a project finally comes along. you have to explain things in ways that can be understood by others, and having a freelance portfolio will help you a long way into securing a freelance job. as you can sometimes show the freelance employer what you can do instead of explaining it to him/her in often confusing terms made worse by the fact that sometimes you might even be from different cultures and backgrounds.

Freelance Career

Always remember that you the most valuable product in your freelance career path, you are the one that needs marketing you have to build up your reputation by completing freelance jobs in time. and making sure that you attend to all complains in time.
If you are offering a service always try to implement it yourself for self first to learn and also for showcasing in your freelance portfolio.

Freelance Portfolio Create a good freelance portfolio and always maintain it in a from of a website that is separate from wherever you are getting your freelance jobs from. Update this portfolio everytime you complete a freelance project this way you can show others what you ca really do.

Freelancing Guides

Freelancing Guides

Freelancing Guide if you are looking for good advice on freelancing there are places you could go for that and this one place is one of those places where you can go and get good advice.
There are matters about freelancing that if you start working without understanding them you will endup with a huge problem and sometimes not being able to finish the freelance projects that you where given.
If could even be to a point where you even endup not being able to support yourself and your family if you have one.
So if you think you do not need advice think again, ask yourself how many individuals wake up everyday and tell themselves that they are freelance professionals, you will easily see that this a very high competitive environment
There's absolutely no way for anyone to simply tell you the golden rule of freelancing but there are some common mistakes that if you can avoid then your career as a freelance professional will become an easier one.
So the following guide might not even be the best guide in freelancing that there's but can truly say that you do not need any help at all for if your answer to that question is yes then maybe you are not ready to be freelancer yet.
For those who are freelance professionals knows that accepting help when offered is the right way to go about as a freelance professional, they understand that it is not a matter of working alone it is a matter of sharing responsibilities.
Authored by : Justice Ndou

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Become a Freelancer

Become a Freelancer Today.

When one think about it we can't all get permanent jobs, not all of us. Some of us got to work for ourselves, and there's a better way of doing that, becoming a freelancer makes sure that you are able to start working for yourself without having to come up with a huge investment to start operating as in a traditional business.

Looking for your own Personal Website check out this Hosting Solution as it is the cheapest Available

Freelancing enables you to continue doing what you like doing for a minimum initial investment and that has always been one of freelancing pillars of strength. the other one is that with todays technolodgy people are able to work together and get projects from the internet without having to get out of their own homes, meaning freelancing can end up letting this individuals make more money than if they where employed.

Freelancing trends does not seem to be slowing down the industry keeps on growing in leaps and bounds ever since the first freelancing site was launched, and again because the traditional industry is responding to the freelancing phenomenon positively, the industry won't stop growing, and that could only mean one thing for the future that we al have to embrace this new way of working as it might end up as the only we can ever work.

The author is Justice Ndou.

If you need to become a freelancer please do so now.

if you need to hire me as a freelancer i am available.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Freelancing and the Internet

How Freelancing Benefited from the Internet

one of the greatest inventions of the 21st Century is the internet, although the internet can be proven to be the greatest invention of all times. in the few years that the internet has been in existence, there has been a lot of improvement in the way people do business,communicate with each other, and also go to work.

But today i am here to talk about the way the internet benefited the world of freelancing with regard to third world countries. Freelancing has changed tremendously due to the technologies available in the internet. today we get freelancers who are truly global with regard to their operations, today freelancing websites are available that enables freelancers to do what they do best as this websites does the management tasks for the freelancers.

Freelancing is one industry that benefited more from the internet than most industries today. it still remains to be seen as to what the freelancing industry will evolve into on the internet, as the whole internet based freelancing industry is still in its infancy.

How the freelancing industry benefitted from the internet by : 

Justice Ndou

If you want to hire me for my freelancing services you are welcome.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Freelancing Websites

Using Freelancing Websites

What are Freelancing Websites

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Freelancing Websites are those websites that allows a freelancer to get access to freelancing projects and employers to post projects online either for a fee or for free. most of the websites also provide extra services e.g. Certifying Freelancers through online examinations that are designed to show that a certain individual freelancer or a group is competent on a certain skill, like website development. This services allows companies to feel much more confident that a certain freelancer will be able to complete the project that they need completed.

What are the Qualifications to become a freelancer

If you want to become a freelancer you do not need any formal qualifications in order for you to start however joining a decent freelancing service website that can supply you with online tests for your skills and then be able to vouche for you is an added bonus, as this enables other employers to trust you.
The other more improtant thing about this aspect is providing your own freelancing portfolio in order for you to show your skills online where anyone can access them probably on your own personal website.

How to create your own freelancing portfolio

The reason why you need you own portfolio is to show your work to the world for potential employees and other freelancers to see. this enables you to secure much more demanding projects as you can then show your skills in action. for example the Freelance Portfolio of Justice Ndou. check the Freelance Portfolio i created above and continuing to create to get a feel of what i am talking about.
After creating a freelance portfolio the other most important thing is to create your freelance profiles for the different services that you are offering to your employers.

Creating a Freelancing Profile

Creating a freelancing profile is about deciding what you want to offer to your employers and then tailor a skill set, a portfolio and also show the independent exams results you took online to certify that you are capable of offering this service, you also need to tell the potential customer how much you charge for your services. and the final thing will be to make sure that potential customers gets to see your profile.

Promoting your Freelance Profile.

If you created your profile on your own website or on your own blog, the best thing to do is to start promoting your website through a combination of a Good SEO Strategy, and Online advertising about your services. there are a lot of websites out there that will allow you create online advertisements for absolutely free so make use of them for creating online advertising. my motto here is never to pay for online advertisements until you can make money from free online advertising, because if you can't make any money from free online advertising you wont make money from paid online advertising also. so start with free online advertising if you understand this then move on to paid advertising.

Getting your first Freelance Projects.

Securing your first Freelance Project is much more harder but after that it starts to get easier, the best thing you can do to secure your first online project is to find out what others are offering on that types of Freelance Projects and then find out if you can offer the same services for less than half the price and then offer the service like that, you might loose money but you will learn a valuable lesson after that. you might need to do what i said above for more than one freelance project to get the hang of things, more often than not your employer will be more experienced than you and might try to take advantage of you. let them do this but learn your lessons well and once you get the hang of things you will easily get the upper hand.

The author of this article is:

Justice Ndou

and if you want to become a freelancer sing up today