Sunday, 30 March 2014

Freelance Writers


Freelance Writers

Freelance Writing today is even in more demand as there’s growing demand on SEO Articles for website Online Content Marketing Campaigns being run by companies as part of an overall Online Marketing Strategy. So for this very high demand of articles in different subjects webmasters and online Marketing Experts are turning to Freelance Writers for extra articles every day.

The benefits of Freelance Writing.

Freelance writers only responsibility is to write articles on the subject of their choice, in other words freelancers often specialize in a certain topic as you find that he/she might be more knowledgeable in a certain topic and feels that the time they spent doing research for an article is lessened by the fact they already know a lot about the subject.

Available Opportunities for freelance writers.

Freelance writers today have no shortage for places to get freelance writing projects. From and many more freelancing websites, the only thing you need to get writing projects is a portfolio of your own work as a writer preferably on blog or your own freelance portfolio website. This will help you secure more freelance writing projects as you can refer any prospective employer to your work online.

Another Good idea is to have a Blog where you set it up in a way that Search Engines are not allowed to crawl and then you put up all your articles in the blog on different pages organized by subjects that you write in.

The Author is Justice Ndou

Friday, 28 March 2014


One of the most talked about subjects in the internet today is freelance and everything to do with freelancing, and the reason is easy to see, it is because a lot of people are now using the internet for freelance work of all types.
So to freelance on the internet is a very normal thing to do and this situation was normally not like this. The purpose of this article is to investigate the reasons why freelancing has become so popular.

How online Freelancing Started.

Well one is tempted to say naturally and I wouldn't be wrong to say this, and the reason is this. The world economic situation today is structured in such a way that a lot of people suffered being laid off by companies they have been working for decades, and this are no longer the unskilled that are being laid off it is Skilled people.
They suddenly find themselves without jobs in the middle of the street, and the only thing natural thing they could do was to start looking for a job, and this process today meant that they have to do this online.
And this meant that the Dot Com companies became aware of the large number of people suddenly looking for jobs on the internet, which meant they had to respond in a way that will satisfy this individual’s hence freelancing websites.
So basically this means online freelancing arises out of a need, and the need came about because of our world economic situation that allows a company that employ tens of thousands of people to suddenly finding itself in competition with a company that only employs ten permanent staff members, well as they say, when you are pushed into a corner you usually push back , well that’s how companies behave also, they will lay their own staff off in response to a tight situation brought about by competition in a business environment.

Companies Support Freelance Professionals

This will mean that companies nowadays in a race to save thousands of Dollars in employee salaries will only use contract staff and freelancers to do their jobs. This saves companies a lot of money in many ways that I am not going to explain here. Then we end up in a situation where companies themselves benefit a lot when they use freelancers than if they use permanent staff members for their daily projects. This is why online freelance professionals will always have a freelance job every day.
The author of this article is Justice Ndou
Freelance and stay on top.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014



Freelancing is a way of working where a person is not bound by contracts that only allows one to work for one company, Freelancers can work for anyone else they please, they are only bound by contracts for the duration of the freelance job that they are working on at the time.


Freelancing Contracts

Freelancing contracts all have one thing in common they all do not bind the freelancer in such a way that he ends up working for one company alone.
A freelancer can work for more than one company at the same time as long as he can be able to handle the work requested by him in such a contract.Freelancers often work for the same company for an extended time period and it really helps to build a good working relationship and they can win more contracts this way as they will often get a good review of the work done for their client when this is the case.
Some freelancing Contracts requires that one signs a non disclosure agreement which basically means that the freelancer cannot disclose the details of the freelance job to anyone and not even refer to the details of such a project to anyone else.
It is often to the benefit of the employer that a Non-Disclosure agreement be signed if the details of the freelance job are in such a way that if they end up in the competitors hands they can hurt the company financilly, or even sometimes the contents of the freelance job might not be ethical in which ever case if you sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement then there's nothing you can disclose of such a freelance job without breaking the law, and sometimes such information cannot even be accepted in the court of Law.

Freelancing Contracts are very improtant and us such we must make sure that the right contract is presented and signed by both parties before commencement of the work requested.

This article is authored by : Justice Ndou the Freelancer

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Freelance Jobs


This Blog is dedicated ot all freelance professional all over the world who struggles everyday to make the world a better place.


Everyone must know the role that freelance professionals all over the world play to boost economies of almost each and every country in the world. As of today freelancers can offer their services to anyone who can pay for those services, and they also make thier services accessible as it is always cheaper to make use of their services than to go the traditional way.

Freelancing Jobs

Freelancing jobs are also available at large for serious freelancers in the following fields:
  • Freelance Article Writers

    Article Writers freelance jobs are available in almost all freelancing websites in the internet today, and the reason for this is that articles are in very high demand first for SEO Strategy that are being used by SEO Professionals allowing them to optimize websites for specific keywords, and also Research Articles for Academics and Marketing professionals who needs to conduct research for a specific company. Writing Articles as a freelancer is a very lucrative career and serious freelancers must consider this as one of their skill set.
  • Freelance Website Developers

    Freelance Website Development jobs are all over the freelancing websites today largely because of the ease or suitability of this kind of freelance job to be provided over the internet. and sometimes i even think it is because most of the individuals who end up considering a career as a freelance professional got this skill set in their arsenal which is what attracted them into freelancing over the internet first.
  • Freelance Landing Page developers

    Freelance landing page development jobs are available mainly to those who are also doing Online Marketing for specific companies or individuals, this is one of the skill set every freelance professional got to master as sometimes in order for you to secure a project you got to understand how this specific freelance project entails.
  • Freelance SEO Specialist

    Most of the time in order for you to accept most freelance jobs mentioned above and make a success of them you need master this skill, you need to understand what SEO is and how best to utilize for a specific benefit. The best you could do for yourself is the ability to work with HTML us you will need this skill to optmize documents for the best possible outcome, and also the ability to write articles here is a must as most of the times you will be required to write your own freelance articles.
So if you are able to do the freelance jobs listed above then you are mst likely to succeed in the world of Online Freelance professionals of today. This article is authored by: Justice Ndou

Friday, 14 March 2014



Well if you have some skills that you can offer other probably the same skills that you got employed for when you where working or if you are still working, Then Freelance and Use those skills to earn some money.

Hire Me A Freelance career is not as easy as some people make it out to be but once you get the hang of it then you can start earning money from your freelance skills.
A Freelance career can be very interesting if one is offering services for which there are already freelance employers out there who are willing to hire freelancers for them. Because without Freelance Projects a freelancer is then not really a freelance professional for you cannot work you are just as good as someone who is fired from their job.

Freelance Jobs

Securing Freelance Jobs is a serious matter you have to build relationships and be able to offer something in return to others absolutely free just to gain their trust.
Being a person who understands other cultures and an above average general knowledge of how things work can help you get along well with others, Freelance Employers need to give freelance jobs to those candidates that can do the job.

Freelance Portfolio

Creating and maintaining a freelance portfolio helps a lot when the time to negotiate for a project finally comes along. you have to explain things in ways that can be understood by others, and having a freelance portfolio will help you a long way into securing a freelance job. as you can sometimes show the freelance employer what you can do instead of explaining it to him/her in often confusing terms made worse by the fact that sometimes you might even be from different cultures and backgrounds.

Freelance Career

Always remember that you the most valuable product in your freelance career path, you are the one that needs marketing you have to build up your reputation by completing freelance jobs in time. and making sure that you attend to all complains in time.
If you are offering a service always try to implement it yourself for self first to learn and also for showcasing in your freelance portfolio.

Freelance Portfolio Create a good freelance portfolio and always maintain it in a from of a website that is separate from wherever you are getting your freelance jobs from. Update this portfolio everytime you complete a freelance project this way you can show others what you ca really do.

Freelancing Guides

Freelancing Guides

Freelancing Guide if you are looking for good advice on freelancing there are places you could go for that and this one place is one of those places where you can go and get good advice.
There are matters about freelancing that if you start working without understanding them you will endup with a huge problem and sometimes not being able to finish the freelance projects that you where given.
If could even be to a point where you even endup not being able to support yourself and your family if you have one.
So if you think you do not need advice think again, ask yourself how many individuals wake up everyday and tell themselves that they are freelance professionals, you will easily see that this a very high competitive environment
There's absolutely no way for anyone to simply tell you the golden rule of freelancing but there are some common mistakes that if you can avoid then your career as a freelance professional will become an easier one.
So the following guide might not even be the best guide in freelancing that there's but can truly say that you do not need any help at all for if your answer to that question is yes then maybe you are not ready to be freelancer yet.
For those who are freelance professionals knows that accepting help when offered is the right way to go about as a freelance professional, they understand that it is not a matter of working alone it is a matter of sharing responsibilities.
Authored by : Justice Ndou